-- Treatment, remedy, removal, prevention and cure for brittle nails, nail fungus, ridges and nail discoloration
Nail Disorders & Brittle Nails -- comes with 1 Herbal Pack and 1 100ml bottle of 100% Pure Cucumber Gel or Aloe Vera Gel
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Product details: The Brittle Nails product is an ancient Ayurveda method of treating nail disorders. It is a 100% natural herbal blend of rare, expensive medicinal plants and essential oils specifically meant for treating nail problems including brittle nails, fungus etc. There are absolutely no chemicals or preservatives. The product is in the form of a powder and has to be mixed with aloe vera gel or cucumber gel to prepare a paste before application.
Click to see how the herbal blend and paste look like.
Results and Effects: Helps in strengthening the nails. Prevents breaking, discoloration, falling and other nail disorders.
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Ingredients: Herbal blend contains the following herbs and essential oils. Click on any ingredient to see its medicinal use and value.
Citrus Peel, Papaya, Multani Mitti (Fuller's earth), Rose, and Orange Oil. Plus,
Aloe vera or cucumber Gel is added to prepare the herbal paste before it is used.
Click for complete list of ingredients used in our products.
Preparation: Empty an entire package of herbal blend into a bowl, add entire 100 ml of gel and 100 ml water. Mix the contents until it becomes a jelly-like paste. The paste must be refrigerated preferably in an air-tight container.
Pictures of herbal blend and paste before and after mixing with gel.
Usage: Take sufficient quantity of paste enough to cap the nails being treated. Add 1 teaspoon of milk and mix with this paste. Leave the paste on for 20-25 minutes and then rinse with warm water. DO NOT wash with soap for at least an hour. Use once daily until the results are achieved.
Application frequency: Use 3 times a week. Each course (1 herbal pack and 1 aloe vera gel) gives between 4-8 weeks of usage depending on how much and how often the paste is being used.
Treatment duration: On an average most customers use this product for 6-10 weeks depending on how severe the problem is. You could expect to start seeing results in the first 2-3 weeks.
Price: $23.99
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